Ultima Underworld PocketPC Poster!

Underworld PosterI thought you might enjoy seeing this great poster. It’s approximately 44″ wide and 39″ tall. I assume it was used at trade shows for the PocketPC version. It’s printed on heavy gauge material and it has a velcro edge on the back.

Quote from the Ultima Underworld Wikipedia Page:

“In the early 2000s, Paul Neurath approached EA to discuss a port of Ultima Underworld to the Pocket PC. EA rejected the suggestion, but allowed him to look for possible developers; Neurath found that ZIO Interactive enthusiastically supported the idea, and EA eventually licensed the rights to the company. Doug Church and Floodgate Entertainment assisted with portions of its Pocket PC development, and the port was released in 2002.”

It is interesting how EA used the opportunity to promote Ultima Online. That was another great game.

1 thought on “Ultima Underworld PocketPC Poster!

  1. Super cool poster! Such a great game. I just installed the DOS version on my Raspberry Pi over the weekend. Didn’t even realize there was a PocketPC edition! Gotta run though. There’s a map full of notes to take.

    …broken axe

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