Help Identify Action Figure Weapons, Equipment & Missiles

If you can identify any of these items please comment on this post with the letter of the picture, and the number of the item. Picture-A, First Row has several G.I. Joe Missiles but I’m not sure which vehicles they match up with. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Even Larger Versions of these photos:
A-Missiles B-Weapons C-Parts 1 D-Parts 2

A06 Construx Military Missile (I should have noticed this since I have the Construx Archive)
B08 Masters of the Universe (He-Man) 1987 Ninjor Nunchucks (Came with 2 originally)
B23 : GIjoe, sold with Backblast (v2) (1993), Heavy Duty (v2) (1993), Countdown (v3) (1994)

B27 GI Joe Sgt. Savage – A couple of different figures have this weapon I think.

B28: GI shotgun (broken, the pistol grip is missing. Sold in variant colours with too many joes to list.
B29: GI Joe Sgt Savage line, sold with various “good” characters.
B43 Power Rangers ?
B44 Power Rangers ?
B46 X-Men X-Force 1992 Shatterstar Sword (Came with 2 originally)
B50 The Other World – Raidy
B54 GI Joe Sigma 6 – Ninja B.A.T. 2005
C21 April O’Neil Camera TMNT

C23 GI joe Beach head’s pouch

C36 The Corps! Shotgun

C38 The Corps ?

C46 GI Joe Sgt Savage ammo box.
D23 Star Wars Episode I 1999 Boss Nass Staff
D26 Masters of the Universe (He-Man) 1987 Ninjor Black Cloak
D27 Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 2005 Yoda Rocket for Cannon

8 thoughts on “Help Identify Action Figure Weapons, Equipment & Missiles

  1. D23 Star Wars Episode I 1999 Boss Nass Staff
    D27 Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 2005 Yoda Rocket for Cannon
    Hope that helps!

  2. B27 GI Joe Sgt. Savage – A couple of different figures have this weapon I think.
    B43 Power Rangers ?
    B44 Power Rangers ?
    B50 The Other World – Raidy
    B54 GI Joe Sigma 6 – Ninja B.A.T. 2005
    C38 The Corps ?

    • Thanks for the Help! That was almost the hardest one to see way down in the corner.
      B46- X-Men X-Force 1992 Shatterstar (Came with 2 originally)

  3. B23 : GIjoe, sold with Backblast (v2) (1993), Heavy Duty (v2) (1993), Countdown (v3) (1994).
    B28: GI shotgun (broken, the pistol grip is missing. Sold in variant colours with too many joes to list.
    B29: Gi Joe Sgt Savage line, sold with various “good” characters.
    C23 GI joe Beach head’s pouch
    C36 The Corps! Shotgun
    C46 GIjoe Sgt Savage ammo box.

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