Ultima V Lazarus Maps of Townes, Villages & More.

These maps are not intended to reveal too many game secrets. They are mostly just to help aid in finding characters and locations. I spent quite a bit of time putting these together and while they are not perfect I am quite proud of the results. I hope you find these useful in your travels. Let me know if you see anything that needs updating or correcting.

They have more great maps at http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Ultima_V:_Lazarus_Maps. I used 3 maps of Britain, Britannys, and Skara Brae found there as a starting point. Thank you to the creator of those original maps.

T1 BritainT2 JhelomT3 MinocT4 MoonglowT5 New MaginciaT6 Skara BraeT7 TrinsicT8 Yew
V1 BrittanysV2 Buccaneers DenV3 CoveV4 Paws

World Map with Spoilers-Open at your own risk & Sky Chart of the Moons!
WorldMap FinalMoons Map

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